All the Vidyajyoti Schools under Mission 100 is affiliated to CBSE.
The election of the parent representatives in the School Management Committee will be done under the guidance and supervision of SDM every three years as per detailed procedure to be separately notified by the Department.
These schools will be given special attention and monitoring through state and district level committees. An annual report will be placed before the State level governing body on the functioning and achievements of these schools compiling the individual reports received from the respective SDMs. This will be based on CBSE School Quality Assessment and Assurance (SQAA) framework.
The proposed schools shall be notified under section 2 (p) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act- 2009, so as to give children all over the state the facility of enrolment in these schools.
From the second year of the scheme, Delta Ranking will be introduced and the 10 schools which show the highest progress in School Quality Index of Madhyamik and HS Exam will be honoured at the state level Teachers’ Day Function.
Any school which drops in the ranking by more than 10 will be subjected to academic and administrative review by the panel constituted by the Directorate of Secondary Education.
The schools will have classes from Nursery to Class XII. The aspiration is to have a single section in preprimary (Nursery, KG1 and KG2) and two sections from Class I to Class V each having a maximum of 35 children. From class VI, there will be 2 sections of 40 students each.
In 11th and 12th the aim is to have 4 sections with 2 sections each of 2 no streams chosen by the School Management Committee. (In case classrooms are not available currently over next 3 years the Department will prioritize construction of additional classrooms.) Not more than 2 streams in Class XI and XII is stipulated so that PGTs are properly utilized and depending on geographical location few schools will be encouraged to have a single stream.
As per CBSE norms, Teacher Student ratio will be maintained. In no circumstances will the classroom ratio be contravened beyond the above stated limits.
The estimated strength of the school will be approximately 1200 children. No feeder school will be attached to these schools.
The schools will be co-educational.
Mid Day Meal would be provided as per existing norms of the Directorate of Elementary Education.
Bio-metric/ Access card based attendance for teachers and other staff will be installed in every school.
The schools will be no tuition institutions and any homework given to children should be tasks they can perform themselves without any external help. Weak students will be provided extra classes in the learning shelters which will function after school for an hour. Teacher will be compensated for additional time spent so.
At least one tribal language should be offered as a third language besides English and Bengali in the school. The third language will be optional for students.
In Autonomous District Council blocks, Headmaster must try to have majority of primary school teachers i.e. the teachers who teaching from class from pre-primary to class-V with fluency in both prevalent tribal language as well as Bengali.
Any teacher who does not know the local tribal language should not teach primary class in a school where more than 50% of the children belong to tribal communities. In the future, possibility of including a foreign language(s) as third language will be explored.
To give the facility of English medium in the mission 100 schools, 71 of which are presently Bengali medium schools, the primary section will be started with English medium and as they move up in class hierarchy classes from I to XII will be gradually converted to English.
An infrastructure development fund will be built up in the school and development charges Rs.1000/- per annum will be paid by every student into this fund.
The Principal will be empowered to waive off the fees for any student whom he feels is unable to pay for the same. Parents, community, panchayats, local clubs will be encouraged to donate in kind or in cash to the Infrastructure Development fund of the school for which accounts will be separately maintained.
Around 20 Vidyajyoti schools located in urban areas will be gradually developed as schools of special expertise each of which will cater to a special field of learning. For example, one school could be specialized in fine Arts in which the 11th and 12th standards student who are interested in Fine Arts will study.
This school will get mentorship from one of the best Fine Arts Institutes in the country. Similarly, another school may be developed as a centre of special learning of Commerce/Law and children in classes 11th and 12th will prepare for examination like entrance examination for Chartered Accountancy/Common Law Admission Test/Bachelor of Business Administration etc. Another example could be that school could specialize in Biology related subject where children would prepare for Medicine or for degrees in Bio-technology, B. Pharm, Optometry etc. and the best Biology teachers of the state would be deployed in that school.
In Schools of special expertise and schools in remote tribal areas under Mission 100, attempts would be made to build a hostel link so that hostel facilities can be provided for around 10% of the students enrolled in the school.
Mother on campus:- Two mothers will be nominated by the SMC to be in the school during school hours on rotational basis every week. No mother will remain in school duty for more than one week under this provision in the school. This is to ensure that parents get an idea of the functioning of the school and teachers and Principals get first hand feedback from the mothers.
There will be a compulsorily staff meeting every Friday after school hours of Headmaster with teachers for academic discussion in which the learning levels of the students, need for teacher training, purchase of additional teaching learning materials etc. will be discussed.
Headmaster will also organize teachers training for his own teachers using the teachers in his school/neighbouring schools, SCERT, NGOs, accomplished parents and any other resources at his disposal as and when the need is felt.
Vidyajyoti schools will be run in a single shift. Only in rare circumstances school should be allowed to practice double shift. In case any school continues in double shift beyond 5 years after the establishment of Mission 100 scheme there, it shall cease to be a Vidyajyoti School.
Timings of the school will be as per extant circular of the Directorate of Secondary Education with additional hours earmarked for coaching, extracurricular activities, remedial learning etc. 5 day week will be followed and Saturdays will also be holidays.
The School Council of the school will consist of a Head Boy, Head Girl and Assistant Head Boy and Assistant Head Girl along with all the class representatives.
It is the responsibility of class teacher to conduct elections in the very beginning of academic year to the posts of class representatives on popular choice. Class representatives are supposed to elect among themselves Head Boy and Head Girl from Secondary Section and Assistant Head Girl and Assistant Head Boy from Elementary section respectively. All office bearers of Student Council will be members of School Management Committee.
The admission of students will be done as per “Special Category” Schools criteria. The students seeking admission to the aforesaid schools from any part of the State, shall be considered for admission if seats are available. When the number of applicants are more than the number of vacant seats in any of the aforesaid schools, the admission of children will be done by draw of lottery at entry level, i.e. in Nursery and from Class I and up to Class V for any interim vacancies.
For classes above VI, there will be screening test for new students and for interim vacancies, twice in a year. The entrance exam will be held by the schools using question papers which will be prepared centrally by the Directorate of Secondary Education.
Teachers will be appointed from the cadre of teachers available with the Directorate as per existing Recruitment Rules. Online applications will be invited from teachers willing to teach in the Vidyajyoti schools. Demonstration class and interface with teachers will be conducted to select teachers/HMs appropriate for the schools.
A panel headed by DM will select Principals in his/her respective districts. District Education Officer will select teachers for Vidyajyoti Schools. There will be special category award amongst Teachers Day Awards reserved for teachers of Vidyajyoti Schools.
Provision of Special Educator &Psychological Counsellor will be as per CBSE affiliation norms and Ministry of Education Guidelines. Two Special Educators per school will be provided along with at least one psychological Counsellor.
A part-time Allopath Doctor, who is already employed under Health Department (DHS), will be deployed at least for 1 hour per week in the school, who, may also be called to schools in case of emergency.
The Directorate of Secondary Education would fix the rates for deployment of an AYUSH doctor/ Nurse/ B.Pharm graduate/ Dentist (compulsorily lady) in each school on part time basis and one room will be setup as school clinic. Requisite medical kit for fast and basic medicines will be provided by the Health Department.
From the existing cadre of Group C and Group D staff, Directorate of Secondary Education will deploy at least 2 Group D and 2 Group C staff per school compulsorily.
The school will have a single library and a Librarian and a Library Assistant. There will be 2 sections in the library - one for Elementary level and one for Secondary andSenior Secondary level.
The school will have two Computer Teachers one each for Elementary and Secondary level for making the students computers savvy and to keep pace with the changing world.
Pre-School education will be imparted for 3 years in Nursery & Kindergarten, (KG-I and KG-II).The pre-school section of the school will be managed concurrently by Department of Secondary Education and Directorate of Social Welfare and Social Education.
The curriculum as designed by SCERT for pre-school education will be used. Teachers as per ratio of one teacher per classroom will be deployed in Vidyajyoti schools. Hence, the academic part will be taken care of by the school teacher.
One Anganwadi Worker and Helper will be deployed in each classroom and taking care of nutritional needs of children through balanced diet will be the responsibility of the Department of Social Welfare and Social Education.
All non academic facilities extended in Anganwadis like preparation of growth chart, vaccination schedule, tracking weight of children, counselling of young mothers etc will be provided in Vidyajyoti schools also by Department of Social Welfare and Social Education.
Presently in Government schools Classes IV and V are taught by Elementary Teachers (UGTs) whose educational qualification is only Class XII passed with a Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed)/ JBT. For implementation in foundation level learning of students, Class IV and V will be taught by GTs (Graduate Teachers) instead of UGTs in Vidyajyoti Schools.
The Senior secondary school should ideally have a maximum of 2 Streams in the Classes XI and XII out of Humanities, Commerce, Science (Medical) and Science (Non Medical with Computers) streams with 2 sections in each stream.
Not more than 2 streams should be in the school to ensure judicious deployment of PGTs and depending on geographical location few schools will be encouraged to have a single stream.
A regular full time Physical Education Teacher (PT/Yoga) will be deployed by Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, in Vidyajyoti schools. A Physical Education room for indoor activities/PT/Yoga for the children will also be provided.
It will be compulsory for every child (subject to medical/disabilities issues etc) to participate in at least one sport besides the regular PE. Necessary support will be given to ensure that a Specially-Abled child is also enabled to participate.
Department of Youth Affairs and Sports will be requested to place 100 coaches on deputation to Directorate of Secondary Education each of whom will be deployed in at least 2-3 schools for around 12 hours a week per school.
There will be an Annual State level Inter District Cultural and Sports festival/competition specifically for the students of Vidyajyoti schools to showcase their talents. Kala Utsav funds under Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan will be utilised for this purpose.
To encourage extracurricular activities, to ensure that the best of the talent of the children are developed to their highest potentiality, the school will be equipped with extra curriculum room and auditorium to all talents.
It will be compulsory for every child in the school to participate in at leastone sport and one extracurricular activity like art, music (instrumental or vocal), dance or theatre etc.
The HM will ensure functioning of activity clubs like Nature club, Science club within the school and a student council, to inculcate leadership qualities in the children.
The students will be encouraged to take part in Community Service and will also be provided training in Life Skills/ Gender Education.
Instead of recruiting teachers for Art/Dance/Music/Theater, the school Principals will be empowered to deploy instructors at an hourly rate of Rs. 200/- per hour for a maximum of 30 (thirty) hours a month for each instructor. The deployment will be on contract basis, and has to be approved by School Management Committee. SMC is free to replace or add instructors any time.
Each school will be provided Rs. 30,000/- per month for this purpose. Parents of students will be encouraged to volunteer for the same. Government teachers of the same/neighbouring schools can also be paid at the same rate if they are proficient/hold expertise in any such fields.
There will be an hour of after school activity in which students will participate in extra-curricular activities.
At least 02 periods per week of Computer instruction will be given from Classes III to X.
There will be 02 staff rooms with a work table for every teacher. Staff rooms should not be divided on the basis of gender or Secondary/ Elementary criteria. Both staff rooms will be equipped with two desktop computers and one printer with internet facilities. Each staff room will also have adequate almirahs for teachers with cubicles for all teachers.
The school office will be equipped with one photocopy machine.
The school will be equipped with an AV (audio visual) room with a large TV screen projector etc. and a library of viewing material. Norms of the same will be designed and upgraded by the department from time to time.
Facilities like CCTV coverage, PA system etc, will be provided.
There will be a well-equipped library in the school with separate sections for Elementary and Secondary/HS. The Elementary section will be well designed according to the needs of the kids and their teachers. The library for Secondary section/HS will be equipped with the latest subject books of the best authors including foreign authors so that students may be imparted with the quality information.
The library will also have periodical, journals and news papers and good quality storybooks etc.
There will the provision of one Library Assistant and appropriate seating facility for students. The time table of the school will have at least one library period for each class and it will be mandatory for each student to attend the library period and every student will have to present a book review as a project on bimonthly basis.
Reading corners will be established in appropriate places within the school premises and will be managed by Student Council.
Each classroom in Elementary section up to class V will have a class library with a minimum of 50 books either strung up on a rope or displayed in open shelves.
The schools will be provided with the Tinkering Labs which will provide space where the children can experiment with, learn, develop and conceptualize different scientific ideas.
All residual matters will be covered as per existing circulars, notifications/procedures, usual circulars of the Directorate of Secondary Education.
The following outcome indicators are listed below as definite, tangible parameters to define whether the envisaged "Mission 100 scheme" have achieved their purpose of establishment or not.
- i)Achievement of grade wise learning outcomes for all classes from standards 1st to 8th
- ii) Pass percentage of minimum 90 % in the first two year of establishment of a particular class from 9th to 12th standard.
- iii) Achievement of at least 96% pass percentage w.e.f. 3rd Academic Year for all classes from 9th to 12th standard.
- iv)Qualitative Index (calculated as sum of total marks out of 500) of all students of a class divided by number of students in the class) to be atleast 400 w.e.f. 3rd year of establishment/passing out of the 12th standard.
- v)A definite career achievement plan will be made for every student in the 10th standard and children will be prepared for facing entrance exam/their chosen path of study during and after the 12thstandard.
- vi) At least 25% students will appear for scholarship/academic competitive exams like NSTSE/JSTSE/Science, Maths, English, Computer Olympiads/ Tripura Maths and Science Talent Search Exam etc.