Education in Tripura has developed at a very fast pace since its formation on 21st January 1972. The beautiful small state of Tripura offers immense opportunities for students from within and outside the region. As per the census of 2001, literacy rate of Tripura is 73.66%. The Government of the state has taken a number of steps to develop the educational set up of the region. A free and compulsory education policy was introduced by the Government that caters free education to the students who fall in the age group of 6 to 14 years of age. The education system of Tripura can be divided into four stages, they are the primary stage which comprises of Classes I-V, the middle stage consisting of Classes VI-VIII and the Secondary stage comprising of Classes IX-X. Classes XI and XII are the Higher secondary stage of Education. Tripura Education department was established with the aim of enhancing the academic scenario of the state. It looks after the education system at various levels in Tripura. Later, the department of education was further divided into three sections namely Education (school), Social Welfare and Social Education Department and Education (Higher). The State Government is making every effort for spreading education even to the grass root level. The aim of the Government is to convert 100 existing High and Higher Secondary schools to “Vidyajyoti Schools” under MISSION 100 with state of the art facilities and quality education following CBSE curriculum. These schools are to function under scheme “Mission 100”.
The main intention is to create an institution of such excellence, where no effort is spared to ensure all round development of the child, to ensure that children can achieve their highest potential, in an atmosphere of unconditional positivity so as to foster creativity, academic sparkle and a sense of responsibility to the State and the Nation.
Vidyajyoti is an amalgamation of the words Vidya meaning ‘correct knowledge’ or ‘Clarity’ and ‘Jyoti’ meaning ‘light’. The purpose of creating “Vidyajyoti Schools” under MISSION 100 is to demonstrate the conviction of the Government that even a child from the most impoverished background, who maybe a first generation learner, but when given state of the art facilities and a conducive environment, can blossom into a high achieving citizen of the society. The intention is to create an institution of such excellence, where no effort is spared to ensure all round development of the child, to ensure that children can achieve their highest potential, in an atmosphere of unconditional positive regard, so as to foster creativity, academic sparkle and a sense of responsibility to the State and the Nation.